
How To Clean A Coffee Maker Without Vinegar

My Keurig coffee maker is not only one of the most important things in my kitchen, it's probably the most important appliance in my life. (You don't want to see me before that first cup has kicked in, trust.) But without regular cleaning, a Keurig—like any much-loved appliance—can betray you by letting bacteria and mineral buildup in the machine get between you and your morning caffeine.

But there is a solution, and it doesn't involve giving up your morning cup of joe (**shudder**). Instead, experts give the lowdown on how to clean your Keurig and, more important, get you and your coffee maker back in good standing.

What sort of health issues are brewing in my coffee maker?

While your Keurig is likely not harboring as much bacteria as other places in your kitchen (friendly reminder to clean your kitchen sponges, like, yesterday), bacteria like to grow in warm, damp environments. Since a coffee maker ticks both of those boxes, I'm going to get a little icky for a second.

A 2015 study published in Scientific Reports found that 35 to 67 different types of bacteria were hanging out in the drip trays of the coffee makers tested, including several strains that are pathogenic, a.k.a. will make you sick. Additionally, a test done by CBS in 2015 found bacteria, including staphylococcus and E. coli, on the coffee makers they swabbed. (And you thought the occasional coffee ground sneaking into your brew was bad.)

Melissa Maker, cleaning expert at Clean My Space, a housekeeping service in Canada, explains that most of this bacteria is likely coming from cross-contamination. For example, if you don't wash your hands before you fill the water reservoir of your Keurig, there is, more than likely, a transfer of bacteria from your hands to said reservoir. "What I always try to do is not instill fear in people," Maker says. "I just don't want people to think, 'Oh my god. My Keurig machine is making me sick!' It's more something to be mindful about."

But forget bacteria for a sec. The other main reason you should regularly clean your coffee maker is to prevent mineral deposits from your water, or even the occasional mold colony, from collecting in the reservoir and tubing of your machine, according to Becky Rapinchuk of Clean Mama. Limescale—that chalky, white substance you often find around faucets—can also build up in your Keurig and, if left long enough, will cause other issues.

"If you allow the mineral deposits to build up, eventually it will lead to the water not getting hot enough, which not only gives you a lukewarm coffee but prevents you from tasting the full flavor of the coffee as well," adds Melissa Riker of The Happier Homemaker.

And that's one lose-lose situation no one should experience first thing in the morning.

So, how the heck do I clean my Keurig coffee maker?

The first thing you need to do is unplug the machine (because duh), then start working on fully taking it apart. Wash the reservoir, its lid, the drip tray and its cover, and the K-Cup holder and funnel with warm water and soap. Just make sure to watch out for the needle in the K-Cup holder. This is not what they mean when they say hard work sometimes requires blood, sweat, and tears, okay?

While the interior parts are air-drying, use a wet washcloth to wipe down the outside of the machine. If you notice any mineral deposits already, Maker suggests dipping your washcloth into white vinegar and using that to help break down those pesky deposits.

Tell me more about that white vinegar.

Heinz White Vinegar

Heinz Vinegar

If I've learned anything about cleaning over the years, it's that plain white vinegar is one of the best all-around cleaning products on the market (simple and cheap, too!). You've already used it to tackle any mineral deposits on the outside of your Keurig, but the limescale can build up inside your Keurig, too.

Luckily, it's no match for vinegar's acidity, which will quickly break down those mineral deposits, Riker explains. (Worth noting: You can also buy a special "descaler solution" from Keurig if you so choose.)

To do this, reassemble your newly cleaned machine (go, you!), and make sure your reservoir is empty and the auto-off function (if you have one) is off. Fill the reservoir halfway to all the way with white vinegar, depending on how long its been since you last did this (the longer, the more vinegar), and then run the machine through a brew cycle (without a K-Cup inside!). Dump that delicious cup of hot vinegar you just made, and then continue running cycles until the "add water" light comes on.

At this point, Riker recommends letting your machine sit on for four hours, to allow the vinegar to sit warm within the machine. This helps break down any remaining stubborn deposits. When time's up, dump any of the vinegar that's left in the machine.

After that, rinse the reservoir, fill it with water, and run cycles of just water until what you've "brewed" no longer smells like vinegar. When you reach that point, it means the vinegar has been fully flushed out, and you're ready to get back to making coffee (bless!).

How often do I need to clean my Keurig?

I can't remember the last morning that didn't start with a cup of coffee. If your Keurig is also a daily-use appliance, Maker recommends giving it a little bit of attention every day, even if it's just a quick wipe down with a microfiber cloth. As for taking apart the entire machine and giving it a deep clean, if you do that once a month, Maker says "you'll be doing better than your neighbor, that's for sure."

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How often you need to descale your Keurig will depend on the mineral composition of your water. In general, you should clean a Keurig every three to six months, unless you have a ~fancy~ one that tells you when it's time to descale. In general, though, Maker points out that if you use distilled water in your machine, you won't have to descale as frequently.

Any other tips for keeping my Keurig machine clean?

Obviously! To prevent bacteria growth in the reservoir, Maker advises not to leave water hanging in there if you won't be using the machine for a long period of time (like, if you're going out of town for a week or more).

Also, whenever you brew something sweet in your machine, like hot chocolate, brew a cycle of just plain water afterward to clean out any leftover sugar. That'll keep your Keurig machine brewing stronger, longer—and give you all the more reason to treat yourself to a second cup.

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How To Clean A Coffee Maker Without Vinegar


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